Get Fitted

you're almost there!

If you've gotten this far and what you've read is making sense, don't stop now! What you're learning is what tour professionals know and have always known: golf clubs that have the right shafts and grips for you just can't be bought off the rack! Ready-made, mass-produced clubs, even the most famous ones, are generic by definition and offer virtually no possibility of actually fitting their purchaser. They look nice. Their names may be impressive. They're properly put together, and they'll fit someone, somewhere, but the odds that they'll fit you are very slim, and only 50% that they'll be better for you that what you have now.

Now that you've read all the information, we hope you're interested in finding out more about our way of doing things. If you call and get voicemail we promise to get back to you ASAP. You might want to consider emailing first so that we can arrange a good time for us both to talk.

Thanks for spending time with us.
~ Ken

Why choose Us?

Get Fitted!

For convenience, all work is now done by appointment—so don't hesitate to contact Ken and schedule your fitting.

Call 661.205.2508
or EMAIL Ken today!

Get in touch!

Thanks for your interest in Golfcraft Custom Clubs! To get in touch with Ken, call or email. If you reach voice mail, please leave your Name, Phone Number, Time Zone and the best time to call in your zone.
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